Graphlytic concepts

What is graph

We use graph terminology in consistency with Neo4j. To check Neo4j graph modeling concepts or terminology see description of Neo4j graph database concepts or Neo4j terminology.



When we are talking about graph we mean a property graph, a graph which contains a set of nodes and directed typed relationships between these nodes. Each node or relationship may have zero or more properties. This graph is stored in a database.


A node is a data record within a graph. Contains an arbitrary collection of properties. Nodes may have zero, one, or more labels and are optionally connected by relationships.


Marks a node as a member of a named subset. A node may be assigned zero or more labels.


Data record in a property graph . Relationships organize the nodes by connecting them. A relationship connects two nodes - a start node and an end node. Just like nodes, relationships can have properties. Relationships are similar to an arc or an edge in a classical graph from Graph Theory.

Relationship type

Marks a relationship as a member of a named subset. A relationship must be assigned one and only one type.


A named value (a pair, consisting of a name and a value attached to that name) stored in a node or a relationship. Synonym for attribute.


Synonym for relationship.

Graph path

Collection of alternating nodes and relationships that corresponds to a walk in the graph.

Directed graph

A graph whose relationships (edges, arcs) have a designated start node and an end node.

Undirected graph

A graph in which the two nodes connected by a relationship are equal, no start or end node is designated.

Graph database

A database that uses graph-based structures (for example, nodes, relationships, properties) to represent and store data. A graph database is a set of nodes, relationships between those nodes and the attached labels, types and attributes.

What is a visualization

Graphlytic is used to analyze and visualize connected data (graph data). Graphlytic's visualization is intended to be used as a canvas where user can place nodes from graph database and interactivelly explore their relationships, create additional calculations or modify data in graph database. Data can be also manipulated automatically with data jobs running in the background (loading data from other sources, checking for patterns and sending notifications etc.).

Visualization provides a set of easy to use tools for graph manipulation in order to highlight particular features of the graph. These features includes intuitive data exploring (see clip below) and statistics, different automatic layouts, dynamic selections, shortest path finding, mapping data to the style properties like color or size, creating dynamic formulas in JavaScript to calculate new properties of the graph elements and much more.
