
Graphlytic is a web application which is installed on a 'server' computer. User can interact with Graphlytic through web browser from any computer ('client' computer). 'Server' and 'client' computers can be the same computer but for production we recommend to use separate computers for 'server' and 'client'. Graphlytic uses Neo4j database as graph data storage and HSQLDB as application data storage (users, settings etc.).

Software requirements

  • Server

    • Operating system

    • Java

    • Neo4j database

      • Neo4j Graphlytic Plugin

  • Client

    • Browser


Operating system

Graphlytic runs at any computer with Windows or Linux installed where Java can be installed (see next chapter for further Java requirements).


Graphlytic requires Oracle Java Developers Kit (JDK) or OpenJDK platform to be installed on your server's operating system. See for free AdoptOpenJDK Java installation.

Supported versions are:


  • 11 (Java 11)

Neo4j database

Graphlytic uses Neo4j database as base data storage. You can use existing Neo4j database or install a new one. If you use exiting database be careful that Graphlytic stores some custom data into Neo4j database (fulltext indexes). Existing data stays unchanged because Graphlytic don't execute any change to existing data if it is not required by user. For better safety and data separation we recommend to use separate Neo4j database to work with Graphlytic.

Required Neo4j version is 3.5.6 or later (including 4.x versions). We recommend using the latest version of Neo4j.



User can interact with Graphlytic through any web browser. If you have disabled JavaScript in your browser or are using a script blocking tool like NoScript, you must enable your browser to execute JavaScript from to access full functionality.

Recommended browser:

  • Chrome 50 or later

Other supported browsers:

  • Mozilla Firefox 40 or later

  • Microsoft Edge 40 or later

Hardware Recommendations

Minimal HW requirements to run the application with very small Neo4j graph (~ 100k nodes, 100k relationships).

Recommendations for Neo4j

  • CPU: minimum: Intel Core i5, recommended: Intel Core i7

  • RAM: minimum: 2 GB, recommended depends on amount of data. Up to 100 000 nodes and 100 000 relationships - 2GB recommended.

  • HDD: 10GB

For complete list of HW recommendations see Neo4j manual.

Scaling (mainly more RAM) is needed with larger graphs and more complicated queries (lots of returned records).

Recommendations for Graphlytic

  • CPU: minimum: Intel Core i5, recommended: Intel Core i7

  • RAM: minimum: 1 GB, recommended: 2 GB

  • HDD: 3GB

Scaling (mainly more RAM) is needed with higher number of users and more frequent usage.