
Graphlytic is used to analyze and visualize connected data (graph data). Graphlytic's visualization is intended to be used as a canvas where users can place nodes from graph database and interactively explore their relationships, create additional calculations or modify data in a graph database. Data can be also manipulated automatically with data jobs running in the background (loading data from other sources, checking for patterns and sending notifications, etc.).

Visualization provides a set of easy-to-use tools for graph manipulation in order to highlight particular features of the graph. These features include intuitive data exploring (see clip below) and statistics, different automatic layouts, dynamic selections, shortest pathfinding, mapping data to the style properties like color or size, creating dynamic formulas in JavaScript to calculate new properties of the graph elements, and much more.


Start a new visualization

  1. Save all changes in current visualization (if opened)

  2. Open Saved Visualizations menu - click on images/download/attachments/44508844/logo-svetle_bielePozadie_male.png logo in the header and select "New"

Add elements into current visualization

When you have a visualization opened you can add nodes to the visualization with the search bar in the header of the application.

These steps can be applied when you want to add some nodes or cypher query results to the visualization from the Search & Manage Data page (Advanced Search):

  1. Suppose there is a visualization with some elements

  2. Go to the Search page - click on the Menu icon images/download/thumbnails/44508844/bars.png in the right menu and select "Search & Manage Data"

    • Note: your open visualization will be saved in the background and you can always go back by clicking the Graphlytic icon images/download/attachments/44508844/logo-svetle_bielePozadie_male.png in the left top corner so you don't need to worry about losing it.

  3. Enter a search string into the Search field

  4. Select elements:

    • select 1 element: click on a found record

    • select multiple elements: hold CTRL and click on records

    • select multiple elements as an area: click on the first record in the area, then hold SHIFT and click on the last record in the area. All consecutive elements will be selected

  5. Press the button "Add to visualization"

  6. Screen with visualization is opened and all selected elements are added to the existing visualization. Added elements are marked in blue.

Visualization Canvas and Tools

Visualization contains several components:


(1) Workspace

Contains elements from the database which are visualized as a graph. You can interactively manipulate these elements (for example move them to rearrange the graph). For more information and a list of keyboard shortcuts please see Workspace.

(2) Zoom Panel

Zoom panel provides buttons for zooming or centering the graph in the workspace. For more information please see the Zoom panel.

(3) Save Menu

Save your visualization or refresh data in visualization (compare node and relationship data to the current state in the graph database).

Menu contains:

  • Save : Current visualization is saved. Saved visualization can be later reopened (see Saved Visualizations).

  • Save As : Use this menu item to save the visualization with a new name.

  • Reload Data : The visualization state is compared to the current database state. Data from the database is loaded and compared to data in the visualization. There are 3 possible situations:

    • data in the visualization is the same as data in the database. After pressing "Reload Data", the user is notified that nothing has changed.

    • some elements which are visible in the visualization were removed in the database. After pressing "Reload Data", elements that were removed from the database start flashing, and following this, these elements are removed from the visualization.

    • some attributes were changed in the database. After pressing "Reload Data", elements whose attributes have changed will be selected.

  • Reload Query : Query, which was used to create the visualization, is used to load a new result set from the database. All nodes and relationships in the visualization are removed and the query result set is visualized.

(4) Search Menu

Search with fulltext for nodes in the graph database and add them into your visualization with one click. Next to the search input are buttons for Fulltext Index settings and for file import (if the user has the right permissions).

(5) Tools Panel

Tools panel consists of multiple button panels for graph manipulation: moving elements, changing layout, selecting elements, and much more. For more information please see the Tools panel.

(6) Control Panel

The Control panel has multiple tabs with special functionality. There are tabs for searching in visualized elements, to show all attributes of elements, configure the style of visualization, or filter elements based on simple statistics. For more information please see Control panel.